As we were told in the press service of “Udokan Copper” the company’s specialists have started to assemble belt conveyors with a total length of over 2.8 kilometers from the coarse crushing of ore to the technological complex where it is deeply processed.

“The facility under construction is the most important part of the crushing and conveyor complex, where ore will be crushed and then transported for further crushing, flotation and hydrometallurgical processing,” the press service explained.

The complex includes a coarse crushing building with a turning platform, three overpass sections, a transfer unit, two drive stations and ore conveyor galleries. The conveyor motors are equipped with frequency converters, with the help of which the movement speed is regulated. The conveyor equipment was manufactured by the Russian JSC “Akonit”. As the general director of the company Udokan Copper German Mironov noted, “at the Udokan deposit in a difficult climate and relief, combined transport will be used: automobile and conveyor”. According to him, the capacity of the crushing and conveyor complex will be more than 2 thousand tons per hour. It is planned to complete the construction of the entire crushing and conveyor complex and carry out the so-called «cold» start, that is, testing the conveyor, by the end of 2021. MMC «Udokan» will become the first enterprise in Russia to use hydrometallurgy — electrolysis technologies for processing copper ore.

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